UP-43 RTO Gonda (Uttar Pradesh) Vehicle Registration Information
The registration information for vehicles in Gonda, Uttar Pradesh, can be found under the UP-43 RTO Gonda. This particular RTO code represents the state of Uttar Pradesh. The office responsible for vehicle registration in Gonda is known as RTO Gonda (Devipatan), and it is located at Jail Road, Nayar Colony, Housing Colony, Gonda, Uttar Pradesh, with a pin code of 271003. Contact can be made through the provided phone numbers: 0526-2230725 and 05262-230725. For any inquiries or correspondence, an email can be sent to rtogn-up@nic.in. Additionally, the UP RTO website can be accessed at uptransport.upsdc.gov.in.
UP-43 RTO Code Belongs to Gonda
Gonda, a bustling city in the state of Uttar Pradesh, proudly boasts the distinguished RTO code of UP-43. It comes as no surprise that the majority of vehicles traversing the streets of Gonda proudly display number plates that commence with this unique code. Indeed, be it within the borders of India or beyond, anyone can effortlessly discern that any vehicle donning the UP-43 insignia hails from the esteemed locale of Gonda.
State Name | Uttar Pradesh |
State RTO Code | UP |
Registration Mark | UP-43 |
Office Name | RTO Gonda (Devipatan) |
Office Address | Jail Road, Nayar Colony, Housing Colony, Gonda, Uttar Pradesh |
Pin Code | 271003 |
Contact Number | 0526-2230725, 05262-230725 |
E-Mail ID | rtogn-up@nic.in |
UP RTO Website | uptransport.upsdc.gov.in |
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