KA-27 Belagavi Haveri RTO Office Contact Details, Jurisdiction Area List
The registration code for Belagavi Haveri RTO is KA-27. It falls under the jurisdiction of the Haveri RTO office, which is part of the Belagavi Division. The office is located on Hubballi road in Haveri, with a pin code of 581110. For any inquiries, you can contact the office at 08375-232299 or the CUG number 9449864027. Alternatively, you can reach out to the RTO office through their official email address rtohvr-ka@nic.in. More information can be found on the RTO’s official website transport.karnataka.gov.in.
KA-27 RTO Code Which District Registration?
State Name | Karnataka |
State Code | KA |
RTO Code | KA 27 |
RTO Office | Haveri RTO |
RTO Division | Belagavi Division |
Office Address | Hubballi road, Haveri |
RTO Pin Code | 581 110 |
Office Phone Number | 08375-232299 |
CUG Number | 9449864027 |
RTO Office Email | rtohvr-ka@nic.in |
RTO Official Website | transport.karnataka.gov.in |
KA RTO Code List | Click Here |
All India RTO Code List | Click Here |
KA-27 RTO Haveri Jurisdiction Area and Taluks
The esteemed authority of the Regional Transport Office, Belagavi Division, governs over the jurisdiction in question. Behold, the following shall elucidate the expanse of the KA-27 RTO Jurisdiction Area and Taluk. Let it be known that RTO Haveri (KA-27) presides over Haveri, Hanagal, Shiggao, and Savanoor Taluks.
S.No. | KA-27 RTO Jurisdiction Area & Taluk |
01 | Haveri |
02 | Hanagal |
03 | Shiggao |
04 | Savanoor |
Belagavi Division RTO Office List
- KA-22 Belagavi – 590016
- KA-23 Chikkodi – 591201
- KA-25 Dharwad – 580001
- KA-63 Hubli
- KA-26 Gadag – 582102
- KA-27 Haveri – 581110
- KA-28 Vijayapura – 586101
- KA-29 Bagalkot – 577101
- KA-30 Karwar- 581301
- KA-31 Sirsi – 581402