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AP-321 Atmakur-Kurnool RTO Code, Office Address, Contact Numbers, and Jurisdiction Area List

AP 321 Atmakur-Kurnool RTO Code Details

Find out all the necessary information about the RTO code AP-321 for Atmakur-Kurnool in Andhra Pradesh. This code corresponds to the Nandyal district and specifically to the Atmakur-Kurnool MVI Office. Unfortunately, the office address is not available, but you can visit the official website aptransport.org for further details.

AP-321 Atmakur-Kurnool MVI

State Name Andhra Pradesh
RTO Code AP-321
District Name Nandyal
Office Name Atmakur-Kurnool MVI Office
Office Address
Official Website aptransport.org
Andhra Pradesh RTO Code List Click here
Telangana RTO Code List Click here
All India RTO Code List Click here

Atmakur-Kurnool AP-321 Jurisdiction Area List

The AP-321 Atmakur-Kurnool Motor Vehicle Inspector (MVI) has jurisdiction over a wide range of areas, ensuring the smooth functioning of traffic and road safety. These areas include Atmakur, Velugodu, Pamulapadu, Kottapalli, Srisailam, Nandikotkur, Pagidyala, Jupau Bunglaw, Midthur. The MVI plays a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of the road network in these regions, conducting inspections, and enforcing traffic regulations.

The AP-321 Atmakur-Kurnool Motor Vehicle Inspector (MVI) has mandals over the following areas:

  1. Atmakur
  2. Velugodu
  3. Pamulapadu
  4. Kottapalli
  5. Srisailam
  6. Nandikotkur
  7. Pagidyala
  8. Jupau Bunglaw
  9. Midthur

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