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TN-47 Karur RTO Vehicle Registration Office Area District Details

TN 47 Karur RTO Vehicle Registration Code Details

The vehicle registration code for Karur RTO in Tamil Nadu is TN 47. The RTO office is located in the Tiruchirappalli zone and has the code TN-47. If you need to visit the office, you can find it at No.126, Old Dindigul Road, near Collectorate, Karur-639007. The PIN code for this RTO is 639 007. You can contact the office by phone at 04324-255099 or reach out via CUG number 9384808352. For any email correspondence, use rtotn47(at)nic.in. You can also find more information on the RTO’s website tnsta.gov.in.

State Name Tamil Nadu
State Code TN
RTO Zone Tiruchirappalli
RTO Code TN-47
RTO Office Regional Transport Office Karur
Office Address No.126 , Old Dindigul Road, Near Collectorate, Karur- 639007
RTO PIN  Code 639 007
Office Phone Number 04324-255099
CUG Number 9384808352
E-Mail ID rtotn47(at)nic.in
RTO Website tnsta.gov.in
TN RTO Code List Click Here
All India RTO Code List Click Here

Trichy Zone RTO Office List

  1. Tiruchirapalli (West) TN-45
  2. Tiruchirapalli (East) TN-81
  3. Srirangam TN-48
  4. Karur TN-47
  5. Perambalur TN-46
  6. Ariyalur TN-61

Trichy Zone Unit Office (UO) List

  1. Manapparai TN-45z
  2. Tiruverumbur TN-81z
  3. Lalkudi TN-48x
  4. Musuri TN-48y
  5. Thuraiyur TN-48z
  6. Manmangalam TN-47x
  7. Aravankurichi TN-47y
  8. Kulithalai TN-47z

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