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KA-37 Kalaburagi Koppal RTO Registration Code, Office Details

KA-37 Kalaburagi Koppal RTO Office Contact Details, Jurisdiction Area List

The registration code for the KA-37 Kalaburagi Koppal RTO is a significant piece of information for those residing in Karnataka. The RTO office, located in Koppal, falls under the jurisdiction of the Kalaburagi Division. If you ever need to visit the office, you can find it at APMC Yard, Koppal, with a pin code of 583231. To contact them, you can use their phone numbers: 08539-220829 and 225023. Additionally, they have a dedicated CUG number, which is 9449864037. If you prefer to communicate via email, you can reach out to them at rtokpl-ka@nic.in. For further information, their official website is transport.karnataka.gov.in.

KA-37 RTO Code Which District Registration?

State Name Karnataka
State Code KA
RTO Code KA 37
RTO Office Koppal RTO
RTO Division Kalaburagi Division
Office Address APMC Yard, Koppal
RTO Pin Code 583 231
Office Phone Number 08539-220829, 225023
CUG Number 9449864037
RTO Office Email rtokpl-ka@nic.in
RTO Official Website transport.karnataka.gov.in
KA RTO Code List Click Here
All India RTO Code List Click Here

KA-37 RTO Koppal Jurisdiction Area and Taluks

The esteemed Regional Transport Office of Kalaburagi Division holds sway over a certain jurisdiction. Behold, the area and taluks governed by the renowned KA-37 RTO. Let it be known that RTO Koppala, with its resplendent authority, presides over the esteemed taluks of Koppala, Kushthagi, Yelaburga, and Gangavathi.

S.No. KA-37 ARTO Jurisdiction Area & Taluk
01 Kushthagi
02 Yelaburga
03 Gangavath

Kalaburagi Division RTO Office List

  1. KA-32 Kalaburgi – 585105
  2. KA-33 Yadgir – 585201
  3. KA-34 Ballari – 583101
  4. KA-35 Hospet – 583201
  5. KA-36 Raichur – 584101
  6. KA-37 Koppala – 583231
  7. KA-38 Bidar – 585401

Kalaburagi Division ARTO Office List

  1. KA-39 Bhalki – 585328
  2. KA-56 Basavakalyan – 585437

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