TS-24 Warangal Rural RTO Code Details
The office details of the Warangal Rural DTO in Telangana state can be found here. The state RTO code is TS-24, and the district name is Warangal. The office is known as RTA Warangal Rural, and its address is located at RTA Warangal (Rural), Khammam Road, T Junction, Thimmapur (Sivar), Rangashaipet, Warangal, Telangana. The RTO pincode number is 506005. For more information, please visit the official website at transport.telangana.gov.in.
Telangana Warangal Rural DTO Office Details
Get detailed information on the Telangana Warangal Rural DTO Office, including official contact and address information.
State Name | Telangana |
State RTO Code | TS-24 |
District Name | Warangal |
Name of the Office | RTA Warangal Rural |
RTO Office Address | RTA Warangal (Rural), Khammam Road, T Junction, Thimmapur (Sivar), Rangashaipet, Warangal, Telangana |
RTO Pincode Number | 506005 |
RTO Official Website | transport.telangana.gov.in |
Telangana RTO Code List | PDF Download |
All India RTO Code List | Click here |
TS-24 Warangal Rural Jurisdiction (Mandal) Area List
The TS-24 Warangal Rural District Transport Office (DTO), which is responsible for the management of transportation in the designated area, has jurisdiction over the following areas: Rayaparthy, Sangem, Parkal, Wardhannapet, Nekkonda, Khanapur, Narsampet, Chennaraopet, Parvathagiri, Nallabelly, Duggondi, Geesugonda, Atmakur, Shayampet, Damera. In these regions, the DTO oversees the issuance of driving licenses, registration of vehicles, and enforcement of transportation regulations to ensure safety and compliance.
The TS-24 Warangal Rural District Transport Office (DTO) has mandal name over the following areas:
- Rayaparthy
- Sangem
- Parkal
- Wardhannapet
- Nekkonda
- Khanapur
- Narsampet
- Chennaraopet
- Parvathagiri
- Nallabelly
- Duggondi
- Geesugonda
- Atmakur
- Shayampet
- Damera